When challenged to brand a large scale event and design a corresponding website, I created Invert, a conference specifically held for introverted creatives. Invert is an event for introverts by introverts, and relies on open communication to maintain a comfortable environment for guest artists and patrons alike. The visual system created relies on desaturated colors and whimsical imagery in order to comfort participants and provide a safe space to grow as creatives. It is comprised of three key components, color, image treatment, and vectorized shapes.
"We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity
to grow as a creative. Even the people who need a little help to make it happen."
Screens Overview
Site Planning
Because the website functions primarily as a tool to inform users about the brand and event, it is divided into four distinct pages: Home, About, Creatives, Schedule, and Tickets. These pages were decided based on the most important information that needs to be conveyed to users. Each page can be accessed via a sticky nav bar at the top of the screen, as well as an easy access footer.
Use whimsical color and imagery to build an environment that functions as a safe space for introverts while simultaneously fostering creativity.
Time Frame:
4 Weeks
Brand an event and create a website
to support it.
Brand Identity
UX/UI Design